March 2018
Most of the Tasting room is complete, wiring, stain, varnish.. now working on window trim.. Note that the workbench we were using to build the tasting room is still there!February 2018
We got the inner building to a point that it is usable, construction mostly done, some finish work left. Moved the bottling system in place.

Bottling system
We installed this system ourselves, Manufacturer wanted several thousand to install it.. We got it done, still no training on the system.. You would think that Inline Filling Systems would include some training on their systems with the more than 100k system.. but nooo.. thats not how it works.

We considered having a Mens and Womens bathroom.. but with people that cannot figure out what gender they are, why limit who uses which one.. its a bathroom, they are the same and we really don\’t care which of our customers use which one! If you look at the basics, its just a bunch of crap in the end.. (pun intended)Well now you get to see how to get up to the first and second floor! Yes I had a plan.. just took a while to put it together.
Its amazing how much work you can get done with a forklift in a short period of time. putting these stairs up would have sucked without it. Thanks to Quality Machine for the fabrication of this stair from a really crude drawing.
Second level stair, not too bad installing this..

End of March
We got the railings in, Stairs installed, and generally got the building usable for its intended purposes. Still looks a bit rough, but things are beginning to look finished!
Lots to do
We still have no word on our still from Corson Distilling Systems (now out of business by the way) They generally SUCKED as a company but this was learned after we were committed. I at this point, hired a lawyer in Idaho to go after the company to get my still.
Yeah, that is actually the name of the manufacturer.. lol. Got this at a discount, it was a tradeshow demo fan, otherwise I could never have afforded this thing. Needless to say, it works really well!

Woodbury integration came in (Steve Saunders) to hook up our boiler. He does great work!

September, What might this be??
Delivery on our road in the middle of the night! Guess you gotta go to the next page to see what it is in this massive truck!