Got the roof on, Ceiling up and insulation in the top! We are almost ready for winter! Now if only I had a door..October 2016
Getting late in the year, Water is mostly plumbed out, tank house is still open, need a door.. ordered it, taking a long time to arrive.. looks like a bit of a mess, but it all has function that is very important.

Pipe view
You can see how the pipes come in the building.. and you can see that the building is not yet insulated.. lot of work to do still.

Tight spaces
Thankfully my teenagers are small enough to fit in small spaces! I frankly could not get thru the bars here.Here you can see the trench for the water and overflow lines going to the distillery. 1200 ft is a long way!
This is what the sediment tank looks like beside the water holding tanks. this is its permanent home.
Nondimentum nec nisl habitasse. Ac turpis vehicula cras penatibus netus.

The projects go on..
Back at the distillery, we are working on the tasting room buildout. We are not really sure how to do this one yet, we have a design but the structure is too big for the wood we want to use.. and I don\’t like engineered lumber much.
Too wide for beams
We have a 20+ foot span and I want to make sure the upper floors can hold the weight of what is needed, so engineered wood is out of the question. How to hold it all up?? Never fear, I figured it out.. you will see..
Taking shape
The base of the building is basically framed out but we still have the issue of how to support the beams in the center, do I need to do a wall? The solution is not simple..

Can anyone say Steel?
Got the structure designed and fabricated.. did not consider how to put these in.. oops.. another really big issue!